We are members of an organization formed under the Indigenous Government for the performance of true Natural Healing modalities, owned and operated solely under the governance of Indigenous Nation.
Our organization is inter-state in the USA, international in scope and is recognized by the United State of America and the United Nations.
Therefore, we are no longer under the medical jurisdiction of the Federal US government, State, Counties or Cities, of the USA.
The benefits to you as a patient are incredibly liberating, inspires hopefulness in us all, and places the power of healing back into your hands.
Indigenous medicine, Alternative modalities, ancient wisdom, and state of the art Naturopathic services begin where the garden grows. . .

Health & Wellness - Natural Products
✔ 100% Natural and Organic
✔ Taught and directed by the Best Physician this world has ever known.
✔ 60 plus years of experience with testimonies
✔ 90 years of accumulated experience in detoxing bodies
✔ Tested proven programs for 30 years
✔ Detox Programs
✔ Cold Sheet Packs
✔ Rife Technology
✔ Far Infra Red Saunas
✔ Diagnostics / Labs
✔ Medical Missionary Training
✔ Massage Therapies
✔Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy
✔ IV Therapies ( call to inquire )
✔ Nutritional Counseling (reversing diabetes, weight-loss, etc...)
✔ Other Therapies (Herbal, Vitamin C, Contrast, Oxygen, Biomechanical)

Come Support Our Friend's Co-op
Zephys Homestead
"Zephy's Homestead Co-op Buying Club supports small local farms, connects like-minded individuals & promotes a healthier lifestyle without harmful toxins. With our 20 years experience, we offer a wide variety of certified organic produce & local farm food without all the high mark-ups we are seeing in our grocery stores"


OILS — Are They Really Still Beneficial?

Omega 6 to Omega 3 Ratio and Its Link to Inflammation